Recruiting the future workforce: Recognising and nurturing Gen Z talent for success

Generation Z, or Gen Z, currently accounts for about 2 billion of the world’s population and is expected to represent 27 per cent [...]

Unlocking success: Harnessing the power of gender diversity in business

Recognising the unquestionable benefits of gender diversity in business. In today's fast-paced business landscape, it's encouraging to see so many companies recognising and [...]

Handling employee absence: Smart planning to minimise disruption

The inevitable curve balls Post New Year’s and most HR managers will be gearing up for the time of year that tends to [...]

The National Living Wage – why employers may feel their pockets are being picked

Picking the employer’s pocket? Why the latest increase in the National Living Wage is a new challenge for so many employers. The unreformed [...]

Transform your hiring strategy: The benefits of partnering with permanent recruitment agencies

Recruitment can be a tough game, and finding the perfect candidate for a specific job can be a time-consuming and challenging process. Fortunately, [...]

AI in recruitment: How talent acquisition still needs the human touch.

2023 is shaping up to be the year where artificial intelligence (AI) dominates many aspects of our lives. With tools like ChatGPT taking [...]

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