Furlough – The UPDATE – online workshop
Date: Friday 12th June 2020
Time: 10:15am – 11:15pm
(please note the exact time may vary from advertised, so please register below)
Speaker: Michael Cole – Penningtons Manches Coopers LLP
The Chancellor has now announced how the Furlough Scheme will be rundown, and when this will happen.

Mike will take us through the timetable and current issues – and then concentrate on the trickier areas:
- How and who to take off furlough?
- What about pent up holidays?
- What do we do if we now need to make redundancies?
- What about agreeing other changes of terms to try to protect jobs?
- How do we deal with those who still need to shield or are anxious about returning to the workplace?
- How do we deal with a backlog of untaken holidays?
…if you have any burning questions, please let us know in advance and Mike will try to answer them during the webinar.
Please note once you have booked a place we will send you a link prior to the event to join the session. So please ensure you have notified us that you wish to participate.
We look forward to hosting our next online event about this important topic, and hope to see you there.
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