Employment law update

Date:  Wednesday 11th October 2023

Time:  09:00 to 11:00 (approximate finish time)

Speaker:  Mike Cole, Partner, Penningtons Manches Cooper, LLP

Venue:  Penningtons Manches Cooper LLP Offices, Guildford

Renowned as the forum’s top employment law specialist, Mike will be delving into the current issues that demand the attention of HR professionals throughout the concluding quarter of 2023 and into the new year.

Employment Law Update for member of The Surrey and Sussex HR Forum

Prepare for a practical session as Mike looks at the new legislation, recently outlined by government, enhancing the rights of employees in requesting flexible working arrangements.

With many employers now offering some hybrid and home working models, is it necessary or desirable to enhance such rights further?  Mike will be exploring the following areas to answer some of your key questions:

  • What will the new laws do, and how they will impact employers?
  • When will they come into force?
  • What preparations will employers need to make?
  • How will this impact on post-covid hybrid working practices?
  • What other employee rights must we consider when dealing with flexible working requests?

Mike will also provide a general employment law overview to keep you and your business up to date, by rounding up some recent cases and looking at what lies ahead for 2024.  

As ever, Mike will hold a ‘clinic’ at the end of his session where he will be happy to chat with you about any burning employment law issues you may have.

Please note: a light breakfast will be provided from 9.00am with Mike’s session starting at 9.30am.

To request your place, please complete the form below.  We look forward to seeing you there!

Employment law update

Employment Law Update for member of The Surrey and Sussex HR Forum

Wednesday 11th October 2023

9.00am to 11.00am

(approx finish time)

Mike Cole, Partner, Penningtons Manches Cooper, LLP

Being held at the Penningtons Manches Cooper LLP offices, Guildford

Prepare for a practical session as Mike looks at the new legislation, recently outlined by government, enhancing the rights of employees in requesting flexible working arrangements.

With many employers now offering some hybrid and home working models, is it necessary or desirable to enhance such rights further?  Mike will be exploring the following areas to answer some of your key questions:

  • What will the new laws do, and how they will impact employers?
  • When will they come into force?
  • What preparations will employers need to make?
  • How will this impact on post-covid hybrid working practices?
  • What other employee rights must we consider when dealing with flexible working requests?

Mike will also provide a general employment law overview to keep you and your business up to date, by rounding up some recent cases and looking at what lies ahead for 2024.  

As ever, Mike will hold a ‘clinic’ at the end of his session where he will be happy to chat with you about any burning employment law issues you may have.

Please note: a light breakfast will be provided from 9.00am with Mike’s session starting at 9.30am.

To request your place, please complete the form below.  We look forward to seeing you there!

Thank you for requesting to join this event, please complete the details below and further information will be sent via email.